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Covid-19 Regulations

To help keep the training safe we are providing a set of rules complimentary to the TPSK and Stadt Koeln regulations. To participate in training all players must agree to follow club rules in addition to any laws or regulations mandated by the city. 

All Covid-19 laws and regulations provided by the government and city will be considered mandatory for training and take precedence over club rules.  The Ordnungsamt is patrolling regularly at TPSK and breaking city Corona regulations and may result in fines (from 50 to 250 Euros).

  • Fines given to a player are their own responsibility.
  • Failure to comply with the rules or receiving a fine will result in a ban of 14 days from club activities each time.
  • Repeat offenders can receive further penalties decided by the Club Committee.

 Due to the nature of their trainings some rules will vary between the women’s and men’s team. Otherwise the rules apply for all club members.


Covid-19 Vorschriften

Um die Sicherheit des Trainings zu gewährleisten stellen wir eine Reihe von Regeln zur Verfügung, die die TPSK bzw. städtischen Vorschriften ergänzen. Um an einer Trainingstunde teilzunehmen, müssen alle Spieler zusätzlich zu den von der Stadt vorgegebenen Gesetzen und Vorschriften die Clubregeln befolgen. 

Alle Covid-19 Gesetze und Verordnungen, die von der Regierung und der Stadt zur Verfügung gestellt werden, werden als verbindlich für das Training angesehen und haben Vorrang vor den Vereinsregeln.  Das Ordnungsamt kontrolliert regelmäßig bei der TPSK und Verstöße gegen die städtischen Corona-Regeln können zu Geldstrafen (von 50 bis 250 Euro) führen.

  • Spieler sind verantvortlich fuer eigene Geldstrafen.
  • Die Nichteinhaltung der Regeln oder der Erhalt eines Bußgeldes führt zu einer Trainingssperre von jeweils 14 Tagen.
  • Wiederholungstäter können weitere Strafen erhalten, über die der Vereinsvorstand entscheidet.

Aufgrund der Art des Trainings gibt es Sonderregelungen der Damen- und Herren-mannschaften. Ansonsten gelten die Regeln für alle Clubmitglieder.



  1. General

Although the training sessions are considered mandatory during normal times, any player who feels uncomfortable to participate during the current Corona situation should stay at home and stay safe.

  1. Booking a training slot 

Women’s team:

  • A player must fill an empty 45min slot for a time and date with both names of the people training in the provided spreadsheet. During this time, only the 2 people who have signed up are allowed at the training ground.
  • Training is only allowed with a player who has a key to the club container. A list of these players will be provided by the club/captain.
  • The player should fill out only one slot for the day they want to train. The slot before or after the players’ requested slot may be used if it is not filled out by 24 hours before the start time. If the players decide to use one of the empty adjacent slots, they must fill it out with both their names 

Men’s team:

  • Training sessions are open for one-to-one coaching. Only one player may attend one training slot per training day with the coach (Matt) present. The available slots will be managed by the coach (Matt). Please avoid visiting TPSK at any other times. 

The spreadsheet will also be used as a contact tracing document, so please always fill up with both names. 

  1. Covid Testing

Every player must, before coming to training, obtain a negative Corona test not more than 24 hours old.  You can do this Corona test at home or you can visit a free Corona test centre.

If you do a Corona test yourself, at home, you can purchase a test kit in shops such as DM, Aldi, Lidl and so on. Watch the video for testing instructions:

For a free Corona test centre close to TPSK, it is recommended to go to the L’Osteria car park in Lövenich. See map:

Women’s team: The negative test result or proof of vaccination or recovery must be shared with the team captain and the player sharing the training slot.

Men’s team: A photo of the negative test result or proof of vaccination or recovery must be shared with both the Covid Officer (Omar) and with the coach (Matt) via Whatsapp.

  1. Masks

An FFP2 or medical style mask must be worn over the mouth and nose on the way to TPSK if using public transport (bus and trams etc.) and until reaching the start of training at the cage/shed area, as well as on the return journey starting from the cage/shed area.  Having reached the cage/shed area, the requirement to wear a mask is lifted. Participants in the training session may take off their masks but are not required to do so. 

  1. Training rules

During training, the participants must maintain 5 metres distance and ensure that they protect one another. Every player must bring their own mask and disinfection gel or spray, and regularly use them. It is also recommended to bring soap and water to wash your hands. Every player must bring their own drinking water, as well as any food or snacks.

  1. Equipment Rules

Every player must bring their own protective cricket equipment such as helmet and gloves and pads and any other equipment they may need.  

Women’s team: The point of contact for missing equipment is the captain of the team. Every player should have 2 balls provided last season. If the player has less than 2, they should contact the team’s captain. Every player should keep the 2 provided balls in their possession.

Men’s team:  When a batsman is missing some vital kit, they must send a Whatsapp message to the coach (Matt) one day minimum before training and ask if Matt can supply this kit to the player. Every bowler will receive 1 new ball, from the club, at their first training session so that they may keep and use their own ball for bowling. After the training session, all bowlers must take their own ball with them and then bring it back for following training sessions.

  1. Use of club balls from the equipment shed

Bowlers must not use spit/saliva to polish or clean the ball!

Women’s team: If club balls are used for batting practice, hands must be sanitized before handling the bucket and after each time it is emptied. Only the player who is throwing the balls is allowed to collect them. If the roles are switched, same rules apply for the player handling the balls in the second place. If the balls are used for fielding drills, both players must sanitize their hands before starting the drill and every subsequent 10 balls. When handling the balls, extra care should be taken by all players not to touch their own face. 

Men’s team: For batting drills, the coach (Matt) will use the bucket of old club balls. The coach will sort and disinfect the balls. Batsmen are not permitted to handle the club balls with bare (without gloves) hands.